Family Business Australia APR-FBA-2016-5 APR-FBA-2016-7 APR-FBA-2016-3

Family Business Australia

Brand Development & Collateral

With their annual conference coming up, Family Business Australia approached APR Creative to bring to life this event to have a broader appeal to the younger members who have traditionally not always attended. To engage the younger members coming through, APR presented a concept to brand the event to put a younger spin on it. Utilising strong modernist shapes, APR gave the event it’s own playful brand identity which was updated each year to keep the event fresh. As well as a brand identity, APR created artwork for a microsite, event signage, banners and timetable, and a brochure. The response from members was fantastic and they achieved their target of increasing the younger audience at the event.


  • Conference Brand Identity
  • Brochure
  • Timetable Booklet
  • Microsite Artwork
  • Banners
  • Event Signage
Family Business Australia