Woolworths NPD Activation
Add Don, It's Done
When your brand’s tag line – Is DON. Is GOOD – becomes part of the Australian vernacular, you know the stakes are high.
So APR Creative was called on again to creatively conceive and galvanize a feast of ideas for a Woolworths national activation, that promoted several of the DON Smallgoods NPD lines and further developed the brand awareness palate.
Above traditional activation activities such as aisle fins, recipe cards, and in-store sampling, APR also fused in-store activation with content marketing.
Through a clever mix of engaging recipe content fed through, the brand marketing rose beyond the retail space and actively entered the kitchen, where DON was really at home.
Overall APR was able to flex its muscle through recipe development, photography, and full project management – from brief to media buying and print management.
Much like ‘Add DON, it’s Done’, Add APR Creative and the work is ‘done.’
- Campaign Strategy
- Campaign Creative
- Instore POS & Recipe Cards
- In-store Product Sampling
- Recipe Development & Photography
- Recipe content on
- Media Buying
- Print Management